Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My poor brother

I just got a call from my mom. My brother's in the hospital. He's the one married to Plain Jane. Apparently his feet went numb this morning and it started traveling up his legs. He's an outdoor kind of guy. So they're testing him for Lyme Disease and Guillain-Barre Syndrome. The Lyme Disease comes from ticks and he went hunting a few weeks ago. But this other one - GBS - sounds really nasty. They don't know why someone gets it, its autoimmune. And you could be in the hospital for weeks. For now they're running the tests and have him on antibiotics just in case. Probably won't get the test results until tomorrow. I hope they figure it out soon and get it under control!!!!


  1. I will keep you and your brother and the rest of your family in my thoughts and's hoping it's nothing more than just lyme disease.

  2. Any updates on his condition/diagnosis?
